Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Etsy codes wow-weeee!!!!!

Etsy has come up with a great thing! Discount codes! Now this code dicounts the purchase price not the shipping...great! And it's not just for one item it's for the whole purchase...good or bad, I'm good with it!

Each shop has their own code, this is not for everyone's shop!

So next time you visit a Etsy shop check it out and see if they have a discount code.

The discount code for Mellowmoonstudio.etsy.com (mine) is Mellow201010 for 10% off! I will have this code in use untill at least Jan. 1, 2011.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wicca or Pagan...hmmmm

Many people have been asking are you Wiccan or Pagan....well let me see.....?
I guess I would have to go with more of the Pagan side. Paganism is a large umbrella term. Many traditions fall under the term Paganism. Not all Pagans are Wiccan and vice versa.... I am thinking.
Not all practices are the same. Not all Witches are Wiccan..... this does get complacated doesn't it.

Pagan translates (loosly) "hick from the sticks"...why? The name Pagan was originally used to describe people who lived in rural areas. Time progressed and Christianity spread, those same country folk were often the last holdouts clinging to their old religions.
Pagan is as I mentioned before a umbrella term...Wicca is one of MANY that fall under this term.
Did you know there is even a Christian Witch Movement! And a Jewish one too, Jewitchery....and atheist witches who practice magic! WOW!
So ....hmmm... Not all Pagans are Wiccan. But Wiccans are Pagan. Confused yet?

Pagans are not all similar, any more than Christians are all similar.

From many readings...I think 'Wicca' has more hard fast rules then being a 'Pagan'.
But.... Wicca/Paganism is NOT Satanism.

Blame B moveis on other peoples ignorance towards Paganism/Wicca/Witchcraft.

So in a nut shell ( more or less ) follow the path that makes you feel welcome and at peace within yourself. Call yourself what you believe.
Give Mother Earth a Hug Today!
Brightest Blessings!

Friday, March 12, 2010

This weeks Quote, from Starhawk

The word "Witch" carries so many negative connotations that many people wonder why we use the word at all. Yet to reclaim the word "Witch" is to reclaim our right, as women, to be powerful; as men, to know the feminine within as divine.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Starhawk! Let's sing!

The time is now,
The stakes are high
The wild witch sings
Transform or die..
She sings of love
of freedom, of danger..
Be the change
Be the changer!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is Great! Starhawk Childrens book

I sure hope this link works!
This is a WONDERFUL childrens book...this is a little vidio of it!
Please watch!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Watch-Read- and ENJOY!!!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Along the Path....Stop

Along the path we must remember to stop and look we are going. I have been walking for oh so long...in and out, up and down. I still have much to learn. Latley I feel as if I am in a fog and not quite grasping 'it'. whatever 'it' is.

Things have calmed down here. I really think it is worse around a hloiday, and a hloiday as big as Christmas it gets rough. Let's face it Christmas is wide spread...spreads across America! That's how it was taught...if you believe or not, that's the way it is. We were brought up in it, all around us, it's everywhere! I even call it Christmas, it's hard to get around it...and that's OK.

The 'friend' thing has settled down....one has removed themself from my graces ( like how I phrased that?). And you know what...it's OK!!!!

So remember to stop and look around you, see where you are going, see where you have been. Search to see what you have learned from it.

Bright Blessings!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Religious Tolerance

In my way ward wanderings in the last year...or many years.... I have been trying to deal with being tolerant of my friends and their religious beliefs. Well to tell the truth I guess it's really hoping they would learn to be tolerant of my beliefs. To me, what or how my friends belive is their choice and what is good for them.

It's only been the last year or so that my beliefs have become more , for the lack of a better word...out of the closet. I have always done what I always have, but some are seeing me in a different way. Why? Why have they not noticed before? I don't know. Is it that more 'witchy', Pagan, Wicca things are being seen in the world, news, movies? I don't know.
Some have really judged me hard, while others I think are in the opinion of, 'don't ask - don't tell'.

I believe in the end we all all traveling in the same direction just by different methods.

If we would all agree to work together in peace and harmony what a world it would be!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cat's is where it's at!

This is a day of Salem (black cat), Toby-Otis (one eyed tabby), Raskis (black and white), and O'Siris (orange tabby). These pictures were taken last year....Raskis and O'Siris were kittens... oh so much bigger now! And to this day they still all try to 'fit in'.

What do you do when there's just not enough room of you feel just a bit out of place..... you try to fit in....

Maybe someone will move and let you in?

Just maybe one gives in and leaves ...to let another join in.

Yes, this is another 'Cat-bed', they have a few around the house. These are doggie beds, because cat beds are too small!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Merry Meet my friends!

Well ...where have I been? Oh, I've been busy, time eats up my day. But still at the end of the day....nothing is done. What's up with that!
I am having a after the Holiday - Holiday Party this weekend. Why you ask? One reason is....time management, my issue. Didn't want to have to choke up everyones time before the holidays...everyone is already streesed out enough with out having to choose where to go at such a busy time of year.
Now... here's the real truth... at this time I would rather have a holiday party...just a plain old holiday party. A party with no title, not Christmas, not Yule...nothing, just a time to gather together. That's it. We will have gift exchange, it will be decorated if a festive way.....with Christmas decoartions....glittery things, bulbs, lights, bright colors. There will be a 'Christmas' tree and a 'Yule' tree. Only some will understand the difference.....
It is sort of funny, almost like a inside joke....so many diverse people gathering around... some with not a clue about 'me'. There will be some 'others' there also.... everyone is welcome. I respect everyone's religion, everyone should believe in something..... I probaly will share more on this later!
And in the end they can call this party anything they wish!
This may be a interesting year.... then again it just maybe more of the same....... No one knows!

Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Begining

I have decided to create this blog for all of us WayWard Witches.
I can express my feelings and thoughts of my life and choices here.
Come follow me!
AKA Willow MoonHawk